Employment Litigation and Negotiation

Unlike many other law firms, our attorneys have seen both sides of the employment coin in our practice. We have successfully represented employees in many complicated situations discrimination and whistleblower claims in New Jersey and New York, including violations of liberties related to vaccines, masking, testing, and whistleblower claims. We also understand how employers think and what their needs are, which really is an adjunct to our business litigation practice. Thus, we are able to represent individuals and businesses with equal vigor, and have done so successfully. We also represent executives and other individuals who are negotiating employment agreements, restrictive covenant agreements, separation agreements, and other similar employment-related agreements.  In doing so, we employ knowledge of litigation to find pitfalls that must be avoided, so that agreements will stand the test of time and will present finality to the parties’ relations, as opposed to uncertainty which eventually finds its way into a courtroom.